Monday, January 30, 2012


Weekend Wrap Up

I'm going to start with saying this was one of the best weekends in a long time.

Friday night I went out with two of my friends from High School.
Jolynn and Ashley.
We went to Helen Fitzgeralds.
What a blast!!!

When we got there..
They weren't going to let Jolynn in because her ID said she had hazel eyes..
and well the doorman said her eyes were brown..
Its a dark bar..
How the heck can ya tell.

But it was a great night!
Then on the way home I stopped to talk to an old friend.
We sat in a parking lot for two hours just talking.
I needed that.

Saturday night, Taryn asked me to go out for a 'couple' drinks with her when she got off work..
Well.. you know how that goes..
This is how the night began!!!!
Pretty Best friend!!! Jess and John!
Jess, My hot 2nd Mama and me!!!!
Me and Tom..

Me and Phillip!

We went to Pop's!!!
Second time.
and OMG..
I had a ball.
We were there until..
I know.
When I got home the sun was coming up!
I can now officially say I've been out til the sun came up!

And Sunday! I didn't do anything!
Nothing at all.
I was up by noon.
and sat my happy butt on the couch all dang day!!!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day J-

Heather is really throwing me for a loop with today's topic!!

Junior High..
Thank goodness its over..

Well, this happened in Junior High.

I had my first boyfriend in junior high.

I went to my first 'high school' party in Junior High.

I snuck out of the house for the first time in Junior high.

I went to church camp in Junior High and came back to a little brother..
well.. he has 4 legs... but still.. I had no clue.

I was baptised in Junior High.
And quit going to church in Junior High

Oh.. Remember those 3 boys from the Illegal post.
Well, Kelly and I canooed out the window and down the interstate with those boys

So.. I didn't do to much in Junior High..
Who really does anyway.

But I listened to a lot of..


PS.. Sorry for the horrible picture quality..
I don't have a scanner

Confession Friday!!

Well bishes..
its finally friday
I hate that song..
 But I've got big plans for this evening..
I'm going to Helen Fitzgeralds..
With a couple friends from high school..
Its going to be legand....
wait for...
(love How I Met Your Mother)

On to confessions..
I confess that um... Jersey Shore is my weakness.
I teared up when Vinny left...

I confess that I honestly can't wait for tonight!
Its gunna be a blast in a glass.

I confess that I'm house sitting for Dad tonight..
Can't wait! Love having the house to myself!

I confess I WANT A JOB!!!
Spread the word please..
This girl went to school to be a secretary..

I confess that I wanna IPhone..
I wanna be like the rest of the cool people in the world..
But instead.. I'm rocking the ancient crackberry blackberry..

I confess I love the ABC blog challenge..
So Fun.
Love having something fun to blog about every day!!
Thanks Heather!

I confess that since finding out how to link people to my blog,
I love giving all my blog friends shout outs when I can :)

I confess that this is my first Valentine's Day since I was 14 being single.
Which I'm totally okay with it!!!
Me and my best friends are making a girls day vday
we're going to see The Vow!

Well that's it for today! Stay tuned for the Junior High post today for ABC Challenge.

Fess up!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day I-

The Illegal Post

There's really only one thing that I recall doing that was Illegal..
well besides like underage drinking..
but... who doesn't do that??

Well.. Here goes..
Mom, Dad, DON'T read this..
K. Thanks..

So.. I was 14..
young.. I know..
I was boyfriend/girlfriend with this boy..
He was 15..
(and so my obsession with older men started)
His two best friends were 16..
Cool right..
Why my parents ever let me do anything with these 3 boys is beyond me.
But those 3 and me and Kelly did everything together.
Unfortunately, she wasn't there this time..
If she was I'm positive we wouldn't have done it..

But these turds got the bright idea to go mailbox bashing..
WOOO, right..
That's a felony..
but.. we were all up at the boyfriends house one night..
His dad was home..
So we went to his bed room and I put all of his baseball bats outside his bedroom window..
(that's the only part I really had in the whole thing)
Then, we went and told his dad they were going to take me home.
We drove around the bluff for like 2 hours..
I chickened out! PROMISE!!!!
Well I had to be home at 10.
Boyfriend didn't have to be home til 11.
and friends.. yeah they were 16 and cool..
They didn't have curfews.

So.. they dropped me off at home..
and decided they didn't get caught for the first two hours..
So they were going to go do some more..
about midnight.. I was waiting for boyfriend to call me..
(as he did everynight before going to bed)
Well, I waited and waited and waited..
about 1 a.m. my cell phone rang..
It wasn't boyfriend..
It was friend.
And it was some 281 number I had never seen before.
Well.. he told me I needed to call boyfriends mom..
and tell her they got arrested..
Really I had to do this.. Why couldn't they..
Well apparently they didn't know her number.
So I called.
She didn't answer.
shocker.. its 1:30 a.m.
Welp.. when all else fails.
I called his dad.
His dad was pissed.
Yelled at me..
asked if I knew about them doing this..
I lied.
Told him I had no clue..
They dropped me off at home when we left and I thought they went back home..

Well all 3 boys parents had to come pick them up.
They didn't get charged..
They just had to replace all 33 mailboxes they bashed.
Lucky Turds..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hey Y’all!
I am so excited Ms. Kati J asked me to be her guest blogger for the ABC Challenge!

Here are a few things about me, hopefully something’s you didn’t know about me UNTIL NOW!

My name is Kim

and I blog over at The Luke Family.
My blog is mainly about my kids.
Kids you ask?
Yep! I have 2.
Landon is 2 ½ & Layla is 4 months old.
(and yes, the amount of hair Layla has still puts me in shock every day!!!!)

I’m 24 years old & married to a cubs fan who doesn’t like Imo’s pizza.
I know, I’m not sure how that happened either. But it works!
We will be together 6 years TOMORROW!!!

My favorite color is Purple

My favorite singer is Colbie Calliat and I’ve never seen her live. L

I’m a licensed cosmetologist who got burnt out on doing hair after 2 years.
(momma’s still pissed about that one!!!)
Don’t get me wrong, I love doing it when I do it for family and friends, but 24/7. Not for this girl!

My dream job is to own my own boutique.
Something along the lines of this.. but not only for girls!
It’s always been a dream of mine, and since having kids—I’ve wanted it even more!

I’ve colored my hair probably 500 times in my life. It’s amazing that I have any left!

My Best Friend Cassie is my rock. She knows me better than I know myself most of the time!
Bahaha! She’ll hate me for these.
OK OK, no more embarrassing her.
But this is paypack for all the horrible pictures she posts of me on her blog!
Love you! J

I’ve had my licenses for 8 years and have had 10 vehicles. Still very bitter about my Denali. I miss it so much!!!

I have absolutely no idea how to sew. Not even a button!! Hopefully someday I’ll learn!

I hate refried beans. HATE!!!! I could never put something in my mouth that looks like that!
 No comments. Please. ;)

My husband, Dad AND brother all have the name Dane. Strange!

I am absolutely terrified of the dark and I HATE scary movies!! 

I am a truly believer in soul mates, and I do think 75% of married people aren't with their one.. 
something to think about? ;)

I'm a horrible cook. I wish I had the time to actually cook a good meal more than once a week!

My feet shrunk 1/2 size after having both my kiddos.

Welp, thats all for now!
BIG Thanks to Ms. Kati J for welcoming me into her blog with open arms!!
If you want more, go here! :)

Ok, Go visit Kim!!! She's seriously Awesome!!!!
I didn't meet her through blogging!
I knew her long before!!!:)
My then-boyfriend worked with her now-husband!
Here's a couple of me and Kim before blogging:)
JelloShot Baby!!!
Oh things have changed!:)

Well, hope you enjoy!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day G-

Growing Leaps and Bounds

Well I'm gunna be just like Heather on this one, and this post will be all about
Belle Sue
So.. My Senior year of high school..
I really wanted a puppy of my own!!!

After begging my dad and step mom..
They told me NO!
But I knew no didn't really mean no!
I convienced them that I would pay for her, and take care of her..
but still no.
Well little did they know I saved all the money I could, and went and got a dog.
One night I went and bought her.
Yes I 'bought' her.
Didn't adopt her.:(
Don't hate me!!!
250 of my own dollars.
It was winter..
I was obsessed with this HUGE camo coat that an ex bought me..(for Valentines Day)
but.. anyways.. I can in the house at like 10 with Belle wrapped up in my coat..
Didn't take her out immediately..
until she started wimpering..
my dad immediately asked me what the hell that was..
So I unzipped my coat.
and there she was.. pretty little Belle Sue.
and I mean Little!!!!
She fit in my hands.
They fell in love!
Dad was soo stinkin excited I went behind his back to get her!
She was about 4 months old her!
I think the same age here!
Like 3 months here, and obviously her first snow!!!
To this day, that little girl still loves the snow!!!
To this day, belle has bit 2 people..
but in her defence they walked into her house, without knocking..
I can't blame her.
She loves her grandpa
and her grandma Jenny
believe it or not she hates her cousin Niko
She loves to sleep with her daddy!

and Uncle Jasper
She's a great cuddler!
and likes to fold laundry
Her first vet visit she weighed a wopping 4 pounds.
and today 25.
She is 4 years old.
She liked treats and hates baths.
She enjoys sitting outside in the dark late at night.
She loves car rides and belly rubs.
and I'll be the first to tell you...
She a Princess!!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day F-

Fast Forward Five Years...

Hmm.. This is a real thinker.

Where do I hope to be in 5 years.
I'll be 27. Holy smokes..
I'll have to say I'd like to be married..

 With a child..
I'd love to have my dream job.
Which if you were wondering is a stay at home mom.
Living in my dream house:)
I'd like to have a new car as well..
cute little SUV-mommie mobile-
in white.

Where I'll probably be in 5 years..
Still 27..
Due to my current relationship status..
maybe I'll atleast be engaged..
Obviously no dream job..
But hopefully a job I love!
living in my own place.
living the life I know I'm meant to live.
-a fun one-
Besss Frans..
and that cute little mommie mobile..
changed to a Jeep Wrangler!!!
still white:)

Pointless Story.. By: yours truly!

Some of the names in this story may have been changed to protect those who were involved!

So.. In July 2011, this fire department I know held they annual fireman picnic..
I worked the beer token booth..
knowing every person I gave a beer bracelet to and whom I didn't.
I notice these 3 girls, that I know are not 21.. Drinking beer...
out of a can... in the open.. not trying to hide it
So this perks my interest.
I tell a few fireman working the beer stand don't serve them..
Well... they kept getting new beers..
we took charge..
two of my friends... Susie and Kendra from a land far far away..
decided.. they didn't know these girls..
just knew they weren't 21..
they would tell the cops..
and they did..
We saw the cops talk to these girls..
didn't make them pour out their beers.. or leave..
really made Kati J. angry..
Well then one of the firemen went to talk to these cops about why these girls weren't kicked out.
the cops said well they have bracelets on..
okay well cool.. right..
We didn't give them bracelets.. we know they're not 21.
The cops went up to the girls again and asked them to see ID's
apparently one of them had an ID that said she was 21..
Bull hockey..
the other 2 left theirs at home..
right.. if thats the case you wouldn't have gotten a bracelet..
nice try tho..
Well some cops are stupid..
They believed them..
So.. Kati J took matters into her own hands..
I went to the cops this time and told them..
I know those girls arent 21.. Im not stupid.. The ID is fake...
and the other 2... well they never came to get a bracelet from me..
they went and talked to them yet again...
kicked em out this time..
yeah I get the job done..
Well I thought all was cool.. they're gone.. party on..
Apperantly it pissed their mothers off that they were kicked out for underage drinking..
(mind you they were not arrested.. no tickets.. nothing.. just had to go home)
Well one mother walked up to a group of my friends yelling at them wanting to know who ratted her daughter out..
Well I walked up just in time to hear the end of it..
I raised my hand and proudly said "It was me"
I had nothing to hide.. I didn't do anything wrong..
I was protecting her daughters safety and the fire dept.'s butt..
but apparently this mad her more angry..
she started yelling at me
telling me how horrible I was..
Well then her brother in law and sister in law get involved.. along with a long lost neice..
Still don't care.. I didn't do anything wrong..
Well.. her lovely brother in law starts in on me..
asking me If I think I'm real cool..
then..."well your going to look real cool with a black eye"
really now.. a grow man.. your going to give a girl a black eye..
okay... goodbye...
he got thrown out..
so did the rest of them..
and we partied on...

Well... a few mothers later.. I started going to this wonderful place..
for these purposes we'll call Cheers..
I met one girls dad..
you know the mom that yelled at me..
well her ex husband..
I was telling this story to someone..
he told me that was his daughter...
I thought uh oh..
I'm gunna get yelled at again..
he thanked me for teaching his daughter a leason..
but wishes I would have punched his ex wife..
really.. rock on..

Well tonight while at Cheers..
her dad was up there..
and what do you know he wanted to talk about it..
well not really talk..
told me August 26th I'm gunna get my butt beat..
really now..
why the exact date you ask..
that's the day she turns 21.
His daughter is going to beat my butt...
because...I have one coming to me..
try it..
Well.. I'm not scared.. I'm not the type to back down.
I don't go out fighting everyone..
but I will defend myself
Try me

Well after thinking about this for just a minute..
I thought.. hmmm...
I know this girl wants to be a police officer when she grows up..
so she's gunna wait til she's 21 to beat me up..
Well she might be dumb..
Don't know if you know this but when you turn 18 and 21 your record is kinda cleared not totally.. but it is a little..
so she is gunna wait until after all that and beat me up..
So.. I'm totally thinking.. let her beat me.. that fine.. walk away with a black eye.. and press charges..
She'll have a hard time getting a job..
to me this is funny..
don't be stupid..

but moral of the story.. she should have left the first time the cops confronted her...
Your from a town of 2,000 people..
People know you.
Your part of a pretty big family in this town..
People have watched you grow up..
and can put 2 and 2 together..
We're not as dumb as you think..
Your 3rd uncle or whatever he is.. isn't gunna save you this time..
your cousin who is also a cop.. told us we did a good job..
and should have arrested you or atleast given you a ticket

Welp..Thats all folks..
<3 Kati J.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day E-

Explain to me Why?

-I went to school to have a degree in Administrative Assistant..
And I know a whole CRAP load of people who didn't,
yet they have jobs doing it and I don't.

-Parents of boy and girls treat boys with more freedom
then they do girls.
This was a major issue in my household growing up..
I don't get it!

-Some people complain that they never have money,
yet those are always the people you see spending
money on pointless things.

-Pinterest, and facebook are soo dang addicting???

-my computer is running soo extremely slow right now??
I have one window open.
That's it!

-Why people would do this...

-That's really all I've got.. hmm...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day D-

Did ya know....

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.

When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

On the new hundred dollar bill the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10.

The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly.
The average person makes about 1,140 telephone calls each year

Charlie Brown's father was a barber

The word "nerd" was first coined by Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo."

The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado

Children grow faster in the springtime.

The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets

Think of any number. multiply it by 2, add 10, divide by 2, and subtract the first number. The answer will always be 5.

Months that start with a Sunday always has a Friday 13th.

The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day C-

Credit a Friend!!!

This undoubtably has to be about Kelly Kessler!!!

Purdy ain't she??

I cannot tell you how much I love this girl.
She has been there

We seriously met when we were 4.
Our brothers played baseball together when we were little!

We may not talk everyday or even every week, but at the end of each day I know
she is there for me!!
Always has been always will!

She goes to Eastern Illinois University, so I don't even get to see her as much as I would like to,
but she's with me everyday.

When I have a bad time she is always the first to hear about it.
When my parents got a divorce she was always there to console me!
She was even there for me when I play my dad to get something my mom wouldn't let me have:)

We're complete opposites.
Like day and night.
Seriously though.

She knows all my secrets.
Every. Single. One.
and I know hers!

She was by myside in the other room when I got my first tattoo.

And I was there for hers!

I was there for her first trip to Wild Country!

Yup! We're tight!

We celebrated her 21st birthday together.. cus well.. I'm older and she wasn't 21 yet for mine!

Love this girl!!!

yah she might kill me!

Oopps.. Belle bit her!

We're two peas in a pod.
She's the sister I never had.
Gosh!!! I love her!!!!